Caitlin Wilt

JV Me and the Almighty Tallest
JV Me and the Almighty Tallest by @TheDevilCat (Caitlin Wilt)

Well, even though I know I can't ink or colour by hand, I nevertheless continue to try. This time I went and added the Almighty Tallest to that picture of myself in Vasquez-ish style a few days ago.

A friend of mine from college and fellow Invader Zim fan found said pic in my sketchbook, and thought it was awesome. I told him how I'd considered putting the Tallest in the picture as well, looking confused, and he thought it a great idea. So, I went with it.

The Tallest didn't come out half bad, if I do say so myself. Those rings around their waists are a headache do to, though. Ditto for those triangular things on their shoulders---Red's look sucky, but Purple's looks okay. I actually had a good reference picture for what they look like from behind.

Okay, I'm rambling, I'll stop here.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Caitlin Wilt

Finished Work
21y281d ago
Other Work By @TheDevilCat

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 04 September, 2002 @ 02:35 PM

Woo! Lookie it's Red Purple an You! :D I like the way that you colored this! It's spiffy!

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2002 @ 01:59 AM

Woah, that's really different from what I'm used to seeing on your archive. There is a major difference, apperently, between your computer graphics style and your hand-drawn style.



Your inking and coloring isn't THAT horrible. I've seen worse. Like... my first attempts at inking... o_o But then, it ended up being all I could do after my tablet went 'splody, so~ I had to start inking more. = '

... OH! Before I forget and end up e-mailing you (or forgetting to e-mail you and letting you find it on your own...) http://www.side7.com/cgi-bin/S7SDB/Archive.pl?ANO=5408

Posted: Friday, 20 September, 2002 @ 02:15 PM

it looks great like everything you draw great idea as well.

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