Nikki Star

So happy, its scary... by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

Yes...this image is SOOO crappy, I cannot even BEGIN to describe how crappy it is! I mean, DAMN! Jeez.

Anyway, this is a scene from one of the FUNNIEST Zim fics I've ever read (hint hint ADD MORE, SAM!)! You see, the Membrane family takes a vacation to DISNEY WORLD! MWHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!! And Zim and Gir follow them! And there's an eggy thingy! Anyway, about the pic, it is when they first arrive at the magic kingdom. ^_^ That is my demented version of Pluto! XD Yes! The hawaiian shirt that Membrane is wearing is so cheap and pathetic, but it makes me laugh because it just says "I'm a tourist!" Heh. Also, at the gate of the kingdom, it says "you're stuck now" mwhahah! Hope you like it, Invader Sam. This is a gift for Invader Sam. Yup...WHEE!!!!

21y217d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 28 November, 2002 @ 05:49 AM

Sheer genius. I love membrane's "I'm a tourist!" t-sahirt so much that i want one. I love the look of sheer terror on gaz's face. Hell I jus plain love this pic!

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