Evelien Chewy

by @evelchew (Evelien Chewy)

Lately I've been painting my room like a madman because I have big plans of drawing my characters as furres on the walls and doors and stuff ^_^ Only problem is that I want to use an airbrush for it, and airbrushes are expensive >< I've been trying to sell some pictures on Furbid and do commissions and such, but people apparently don't like my style ::crahs:: So if anyone here is interested, let me know! X-x

Anyways.. this is a design for the outside of the door of my bedroom. It's my main character Marieke and behind her is the Gate of Moria from Lord Of The Rings ^^ I like LOTR so much! I'm obsessed! :D :D :D I thought it'd be cool to write "Speak, friend, and enter" on the door in Elvish.. ^^

This was the first time I'm actually kind of pleased with the creases in her jeans. Maybe a bit overdone, but they're supposed to be uber-baggy like that ^_^

I also like her pose. STAY OUT! BWAHAHAHA!!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Evelien Chewy

21y302d ago
Other Work By @evelchew

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 07:58 PM

y'know..I really do like your style. The hands are a bit small, anatomically speaking. But the pants..the pants rock. :)

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 08:07 PM

Yeah, I always draw the hands too small X-x But thanks for pointing it out! I'll keep it in mind next time ^_^ And sankyuuu!

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 09:20 PM

Yeah, I always draw the hands too small X-x But thanks for pointing it out! I'll keep it in mind next time ^_^ And sankyuuu!

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 08:33 AM

Gawd, did I never reply to you? _ I'm so sorry!

Yep, the hand is DEFINITELY too small XD My fault (who else?). And thanks =^_^= I too love her pants. I have baggy ones like that too. But no dragons on it ::crahs:: Pretty little dragon..

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