O_______________O;;;;; Thank you, I am now scarred for life....Damn the morbid curiousity that made me look at that picture. >_@;;;; So impossibly wrong....
Not a Normal Pairing. by @Spug (Kris Kitchens)
Now, don't get me wrong. I love Slash and Yaoi. But I'm not fond of Harry Potter Slash. Mostly cause it's alot of Pedhophiling. X) But cause I can. I did one HP Slash doodle. Heh. Snape and Lockheart.. I am so wrong...
Comments & Critiques (8)
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Allright...for starters-what did you use; a crayon? Too bad Lockhart is in a mental institution now(read the book-most people I have seen on here only like characters because of the movie. sad sad individuals; you fake HP lovers, you)-but then again, Snape really knocked the shizzle out of that lamebrain during the dueling club, didn't he? Main point why I hate Slashers...they make up the stupidest pairings that could never be-AND they are all done out of some god forsaken love to see...I don't even know. It's such a fad...how sad. I hate fads-makes all the slashers look like preps with a love for queers. Oh yeah-work on your saving; the resolution looks like crap. The first thing I see when I look at your art is the horrible badly done resolution; I can't see the image...except for the little white spots from bad antialias.
What ever happened to the motto of 'If you dont like something dont look at it?'
And if you cant tell that the image was inked and then CGed then you have problems...
I persanalyl like all of Spugs art, and IF there were any pics I didnt like I just wouldnt look.
huggles spug
Interesting. You see something new everyday, yes? I'm not flaming it mind you, it's just one of those pairings that kinda hits you out of nowhere. Or not. Maybe I'm just weird. hugs a box of crayons
Oh, and before I forget . . . bonks the meanies with an anti-flamer mallet Shaddap.
Wrong Wrong bad bad bad bad!!!!