Ayame Suzuki

Ayame, Bender, and Cronofrek...RPG style!!
Ayame, Bender, and Cronofrek...RPG style!! by @minako134 (Ayame Suzuki)

Hee hee. I like drawing my friends. They had wanted a picture of them as a swordsman and a wizard, and so I added myself as a white mage with their permission. I wish I'd spent more time on their costumes. Ah, well. 'Twas fun. I still can't draw hands.

Finished Work
21y218d ago
Other Work By @minako134

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 07 December, 2002 @ 04:31 AM

This one actually gave me an idea, you a white mage, me a black mage (doesn't mean I'm evil or anything, I'd just have more fun). You should play some FFX. Lulu (black) can do some way spiffier attacks than Yuna (white). Although Yuna does get to summon those aeons. Blah. I like the picture!

Posted: Thursday, 19 December, 2002 @ 02:42 AM

The shading on this picture really impresses me, especialy considering the light source is actually in the picture. I like the look of the uniforms, reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy Tactics (probably because of the hair styles)... Oh, and where can I buy one of those staffs? :)

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