Ali Wagner

Makenna and Squee!
Makenna and Squee! by @aliwagn (Ali Wagner)

My Aisha, Makenna! Why did this picture come out bad? I dunno. You can hardly see her face. It makes me sad. I'll fix it. Eventually.

Anyways, this is Makenna, and her petpet Squee the Anubis. Squee is named after the comic by Jhonen Vasquez (Who is really cool!) which i was reading the day I got the petpet!

Makenna is the youngest of my neopets, and the only girl. Which bugs her sometimes, but I already have 4 neopets, so she's stuck with 3 brothers. She doesn't mind all the time, though.

I might put up pictures of her other two brothers, but I'll have to fix the sculptures up. A lot. The are really bad.

Aishas are cool. Everyone has one, though. It's because they're cute.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Ali Wagner

21y345d ago
Other Work By @aliwagn

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 @ 08:13 PM

YAY for Aisha! The Anubis is so cute. I drew an Aisha once. points It's yellow like a banana!

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