Tara Reynolds

Lystra's SA Pose
Lystra's SA Pose by @tarareyn (Tara Reynolds)

Picture=Lystra's official SA Pose ^_^ Color=WOOOOOOOOT!! BG= This is what it says: Born in a prison yet meant to be free I'm the child of the dark With the spirit of the wind to guide me My guardians were taken from me at a young age And I was forced to be a slave for 7 long years Now I've broken the chains that held me down And traveled far away from my home To a planet called Earth Hoping to find the one person Who kept me alive those 7 years Though I had never actually met him I did find that person who meant so very much to me Shadow the Hedgehog...my new "big bro" Now I'm always at his side For he makes me feel safe The way I used to...before my world was shattered

andddd...A big thanks goes out to Lin for helping me get rid of that annoying box around my pic so you can see the purdy bg!! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUU SO MUCH LIN!! Go visit her art! It's GOOOOOOOD! go looky up Lin Revil!

Finished Work
22y127d ago
Other Work By @tarareyn

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 02 March, 2002 @ 09:37 PM

this pic rocks!!!! ehehe neato cg AND GOOD JOB WIF THE SHADOWING!!!

aww..dun tell ppl to go to my gallery...what'dya bet they even WILL =S

Posted: Sunday, 03 March, 2002 @ 09:14 AM

oooo spiffy Tara ^^ i likes it ! hugs tara then runs off

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