Kelly Marie

Sleeping on the Grass
Sleeping on the Grass by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

Thou some kids that Dib and Tak look great together...I think Zim and Tak fit better. This is a picture of Tak and Zim holding hands while sleeping on the grass.

22y117d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (7)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 02 June, 2002 @ 02:38 AM

OH GAWD! THE CUTENESS BURNNSS! lol.. anyway.. it really is good and I agree. anyway. keep up the super work!

Posted: Sunday, 02 June, 2002 @ 04:13 AM

I totally agree, Zim and Tak go together WAY better than Dib and Tak. Most people already know I'm not much of a Dib/Tak fan : P But anyway, this drawing is just adorable. You have a way of bringing out the innocence in the characters like no one else. I hope you decide to color this ^^

Posted: Sunday, 02 June, 2002 @ 07:57 AM
Zim: Now prepare your brain filthy beast of meat and hair. Your magical love adventure begins now!

And it'll kinda continue to be that way! ZAGR and ZAGR rock!

Posted: Sunday, 02 June, 2002 @ 08:02 AM

I meant ZATR!!! I just got up from sleep, so ignore my sudden error.

Posted: Sunday, 02 June, 2002 @ 09:26 PM

I know I may be the only comment here who'll ever say this. But I don't think Zim and Tak go together at all. And don't gimmie that love/hate thing that all the Dib/Zim people say. I just can't see Zim with anyone at all.

That's just me tho. But still, despite my thoughts, nice picture. How I envy artists like you.

Posted: Thursday, 12 September, 2002 @ 02:04 PM

cute!but i wish more people didDib+Tak stuff... ^^;

Posted: Wednesday, 20 November, 2002 @ 09:51 PM

AWWWRR!!! ^_^ Even though I absoloutly LOATHE Tak/Zim, I just love this. You have to be pretty special to do that to me...

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