Michelle Hendrickson

Gojyo from Saiyuki
Gojyo from Saiyuki by @sharem (Michelle Hendrickson)

Another watercolor painting that I did. The character is Gojyo from the anime, Saiyuki. I couldn't think of a background so it was stuck with those awful blue paint streaks in the background...>.< Not only that, I ran out of room on the paper so I had to make the left arm too short..grumbles

Finished Work
22y203d ago
Other Work By @sharem

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 18 December, 2001 @ 04:53 AM

Lovely color choices, and the rendering is quite well done. As for those blue background strokes, I think they add a really nice bit of variety and depth to the whole piece. if you just cropped off the edges where the paint strokes ended it would probably look fine :)

Posted: Sunday, 06 January, 2002 @ 12:22 AM

melts Oooooooo helooooo Gojyo! is Saiyuki fan LOVE that open shirt and that bad-boy demeanor ^o^

Posted: Saturday, 16 March, 2002 @ 06:28 AM

Oo, pretty. I like it... ^_^ Pink hair rules.

Posted: Tuesday, 15 April, 2003 @ 05:14 PM

::drools:: Why is he so damn hot? I love this pic... I love it... He looks like he's just about ready to get into bed...


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