
June 29th, 2024



Ashlee congratulates all the Toons for capturing all four teams and announces that Sanctuary will be their new base of operations which causes the Toons to cheer for her. As Ashlee announces that the four teams are going to be sent to the Phantom Zone, Sonic lunges at Ashlee but he gets his fingers blasted off by Asriel who used his laser gun to hurt Sonic. Before Sonic can attack Asriel, Flowey wraps a vine around his neck and knocks him unconscious by slamming his face into the ground, Ashlee then sees Asriel and Flowey and are impressed that they took out Sonic. Back at Earth One an anchorman is reporting on how a team of Alternate Toons have stopped a war that happened in Sanctuary and are having a party to celebrate their victory, the anchorman also announces that the four teams who tried to claim Sanctuary have been sent to the Phantom Zone as their prison where they will be staying at for quite some time.



Meanwhile, all four teams that fought each other over Sanctuary are currently imprisoned in the Phantom Zone. Amethyst talks about how she didn’t expect to be sent to the Phantom Zone and also understands that all of them got sent there due to fighting each other over a common thing, Garnet then realizes that war can only bring pain and destruction and everyone else proceeds to agree with her. Sophie regrets involving herself in the war and wants to make it up to everyone, Amethyst then gets physically closer to Sonic and suggests to the hedgehog that she can make it up to him personally. Sonic tells Amethyst that he’d love that and the two proceed to make out with each other as everyone else looks at them, all four teams then decide to make amends with each other by engaging in a giant orgy. We then see Ashlee and Flowey look at the orgy in bewilderment from another portal.

Teen (S)
2d3h ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil
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