
June 24th, 2024



The scene opens to the large house that Rose Quartz previously lived in, Asriel then finds the house and promptly hides behind it as he hears voices from afar. Team Frisk finds the house and they talk about how nice the house is, as Asriel peeks at the team from behind the house Frisk announces to his team that the house will be their new home once they claim Sanctuary and take out the other three teams. When Asriel goes back to hiding behind the house a mysterious person grabs him, we then see that Team Sonic has arrived and Sonic is holding Asirel hostage. Frisk demands to Sonic that he let Asriel go and Sonic tells Team Frisk to surrender and maybe he’ll let Asriel go, Sonic then tells Speedolai to check if the door to the house is locked and as Speedolai opens the door he is kicked to the ground by Sophie. We then see Team Homestuck come out of the house in order to fight the other three teams; the team got into the house first and they waited until one of the three teams arrived so they can strike first.



Cooper tells the other teams that his team found the house first and that they’re going to have to kill them in order to get to the house, everyone then hears a female voice say that she and her team are fine with that and we see that Team Diamond has also arrived at the house. Cooper declares that it’s now a party since all four teams are at Rose’s house and Eve starts the fight by throwing her mace at Tails, while Tails is down Asriel promptly escapes Sonic’s grasp by biting his arm and then headbutting him. Amy tries to stop Asriel but Sonic prevents Amy from getting Asriel and tells her that they have more pressing matters to attend to as a large fight occurs between all four teams, as the teams are fighting each other Alphys knocks Speedolai into the house and the two of them continue their fight inside of the house. Alphys subdues Speedolai and proceeds to bite a part of his face off, as Speedolai is screaming in agony Pearl jumps at Alphys and stabs him with her spear. As Tony is fighting Sonic he sees Alphys fighting Pearl in the house and pulls out a rocket launcher so he can kill the two of them with it, Sonic then tackles Tony as he fires the rocket launcher with causes him to miss Alphys (and Pearl) and blow up the entire house instead.



All four teams see that Rose’s house has been blown up and we see that Alphys, Speedolai and Pearl have survived the explosion, Pearl is upset that the house has been destroyed and she spots Tony with the rocket launcher. Pearl realizes that Tony blew up the house and she angrily throws her spear at him, wounding him, and the four teams continue to fight each other afterwards. WD subdues Amy and as she is about to hit Amy someone punches through her chest, we then see that the person who injured WD is none other than Ashlee; a female Toon wearing blue armor who fights crime with other Toons that wear blue armor. Ashlee tells WD to have a heart as she dies from her injury, the other teams then get confused and Sonic asks who Ashlee is, Ashlee then introduces herself and 9 other Alternate Toons to the four teams and she announces that they are all going to bring them to justice. Ashlee and the other Alternates proceed to subdue all four teams (and Tails, Tony and Nice Cream Guy get killed by some Alternates).

Mature (V)
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5d3h ago
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