The Wizard Of Zaar

Egrellian Pirates 5: Lozol
Egrellian Pirates 5: Lozol by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

The final and youngest member of this group of Egrellian pirates is Lozol.

As well as the youngest, he is also the most inexperienced and weakest of the gang. But perhaps because of this, he is the most cruel; to prove a point and because he revels in the power.

He will often show off to the others and is always the loudest.

One advantage of his youth; he's a bit more spry and fit than the others. The older Egrellians are obese and bloated by drink.

He also has no reputation yet; reputation is a very important thing in Egrellian society- For better or worse, all your deeds will be remembered and it is up to you to control your reputation going forward.

Two strange Egrellians when meeting; can instantly have an opinion about each other just by learning each others names.

Rough / Concept
138d4h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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