Marauder Smig & Grey Bel by @kgavlas (Kim Gavlas)
Invader Zim fanchara', my little Smig, and my twin sister's Grey Bel.
They're on assignment together for... some reason. From a more serious point of view, of course, the job of an Irken Marauder is genocide- here, Grey Bel and Smig are taking a casual survey of an alien city that he has just depopulated with concentrated CN20 nerve gas. Lethal biological agents are the staple of the Marauder's arsenel, and although high explosives are Smig's favorite tool, he has enough sense to only use them in situations where they would be more advisable.
With a strong breeze blowing, the nerve gas begins to clear fairly quickly. Smig is in little danger of ill effects from what poison remains as he takes his gas-mask off so he can smoke; Irken of castes that may find careers in dangerous fields are treated pro-decanting so they are resistant to these toxins. A few developing infants may die, but so be it- only the strongest for the empire!
Blinks Woah... Melikes this!