Jess Buehler

Doodles and Character Sketches
Doodles and Character Sketches by @jessbueh (Jess Buehler)

No, thats not blood. I didnt feel like drawing PEOPLE getting shot. Those are manaquins filled with strawberry jam. I even drew a few strawberrys, some whole, some not. ~_^ Top left- Some faces I saw while walking to 3rd period (government - ugh) Under that- One of my friends new haircut. I didnt think anyone would wear a mohawk anymore! k3wl! Bottom right- Sledge! My favorite drawing of him. This ones older than the one I did on the computer by about 5 days. Just above that- Life: this is more of how his face is suposed to be built... Not so slight and feminine. You'll see. :P

thats esentialy the extent of it. the rest is just doodles. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Jess Buehler

Teen (V)
Rough / Concept
21y101d ago
Other Work By @jessbueh

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