Elli Gibbs

Dreams in Digital
Dreams in Digital by @Biscuits (Elli Gibbs)

I was listening to 'Dreams in Digital' by Orgy and Gaz just kinda popped into my head. The song fits her in some odd way. This pic is quite old, but not bad for a year ago.

Finished Work
20y155d ago
Other Work By @Biscuits

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Tuesday, 27 January, 2004 @ 08:51 PM

Guilty by design she's nothing more then fiction. She dreams in digital, cause it's better then nothing. Now that control is gone, it seems unreal, she's dreaming in digital. Mmyay. Orgy has some very yummi songs, indeed they does.

Very nice concept. Everytime I hear the song I think of some holographic girl. Your idea is more original that mine. I like it. I love how everything is in greyscale except for the blood. It jumps out at you, telling you it's something important. Too bad the words on the side don't appear very well on my monitor, but I can still make out what it says.

She has very cute hair. She looks kind of angry, yet confused as she stares down at the blood that is pumping out of the plug/tube thing. Haha. You killed a gameboy.

I really love her outfit. Especially her boots. At first I thought the face thing in her dress what happy noodle boy, then it looked more like the punisher sign, then it looked like a plain happy face. Hah. I can't seem to make out what it is. Anyways, awesome picture. Sorry for boring you to death with the overly long comment. Keep up the good work.

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