Taylor Pruitt

Sept.11, a day of disaster for WTC...
Sept.11, a day of disaster for WTC... by @taylprui (Taylor Pruitt)

I myself just visited the North/South Towers only weeks ago and the Pentagon just recently before that, and I am greatly saddened by this loss of life and loss of national landmarks. In fact, both landmarks were my favorites in each city. To all those affected by this around the world and especially in NY and Jersey, you have my sympathy. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. The saddest thing is that on our video of our vacation, we saw a bunch of young WTC ppl eating lunch, many of which look like a few of the people that are "missing." I hope that somehow some of these people are still surviving and hopefully will get back to their families, however slim a chance it seems. We are asking God for a miracle, and let us pray he pulls through. And for all those attacking Muslims....don't. It's not their fault some idiots decided to kill innocent people. We're all mutts, so give it up. Love one another and stand against the hatred that caused this in the first place.

Finished Work
22y265d ago
Other Work By @taylprui

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Sunday, 16 September, 2001 @ 01:11 AM

i have lost a big part of me that day. the day i lost my father @ the pentagon.there for i really love you pictrue because it shows the truth and it is well done. i love your work.

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