Andy A

Child Link
Child Link by @andya (Andy A)

ha ha! I think i finally got the hand of photoshop..with a little help from alexia k. But anyway, i really like this pic and i think i did a good job. I am especially pleased with the coloring! what do you think???

22y234d ago
Other Work By @andya

Comments & Critiques (9)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 14 November, 2001 @ 10:55 PM

SHINNIEST!! does a golf clap lovely, just lovely

Posted: Thursday, 15 November, 2001 @ 09:48 PM

Extremly shiny!!! U have earned a piece of cheese! The lens flare thingy is also frickin sweet. THE END

Posted: Thursday, 15 November, 2001 @ 09:51 PM

As an acclaimed art critic "Sarcastic cough" I hereby proclaim this piece of art SHINY!!!

Posted: Monday, 26 November, 2001 @ 12:02 AM

kewl! i hate you! you have SO much talent! you leave me talentless and in the dust. nice job!

Posted: Saturday, 23 February, 2002 @ 12:10 PM

Kawaii piccy! I love Linkage! He's so cute. Your pic is very nice, a tad bit too dark but really good overall! 9 out of 10 would be your score on this baby, however, on Fara-Chan Kawaii-O-Meter you broke the scale cause Linkie is a kawaii character!

Posted: Wednesday, 04 June, 2003 @ 04:19 PM
I have to say this: please do not be offended in any way by this, I just want to help out. The black spotches in the background would probably need to be taken out. If this was a mysterious kind of picture the splotches with their shadowing would be a bonus. But it's just not good for this picture. Also it looks like his right knee sorta twisted the wrong way, becausse the boot is pointing to the opposite direction. Please, PLEASE!, do not be offended by this, I am not flaming this. Altogether it is a great picture.
Posted: Friday, 27 June, 2003 @ 04:28 PM

Great pic n' all but where can you get photo shop i must know if you know e-mail me at jhbowers@swbell.net k...

Posted: Friday, 03 October, 2003 @ 04:23 PM

I like the dark sort of mood created in this picture, and the shield is well detailed.

Posted: Monday, 06 December, 2004 @ 02:55 PM

this is a very good pic you did. the shining on the sword is very cool. very shinny too. rubs eyes

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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