Plush Girl

lord of therings
lord of therings by @plush_girl (Plush Girl)

Well this was a character that I made up a long time ago which I thought should have been written in lord of teh rings and now that film has come out I want this character to be real even more. Shes called lakera, she is a white nasgul (ring wraith) but a good one ad rides a dragon called keeron. She is one of teh last of her kind as teh ring wraiths (dark nasgul) have killed most of her kind. She is the bearer of one of teh rings given to teh nasgul but its not that powerful. However it bounds her to frodo, and thats really her purpose in life, to guard a good bearer of teh wing as she is quite strong and magical and her dragon cant half blow fire. She protects frodo and if she is ever seperated from him tehn she starts to become weak and ill as her magic is mainly provided from frodo and the ring. This character was something I made up and I have planned out all teh scenes with her added into them :) I thought that maybe she could lose track of frodo in the first film when he goes off with sma in teh boat. She then becomes ill and weak and isnt seen for ages as she seems to disappear. Legolas tries to look for her as legolas and lakera get on well as lakera is sort of elf like because her ears a slightly pointy and she is just kind and nice. In teh second film when gimli aragon and legolas find gandulf, gandulf shows them lakera who has been looked after by the ents and they take her with them. She is very weak but can stay on her keeron to help her out. She does eventually fly off by herself to find frodo as she sees smiegal,(who is her enemy she hates him as he was a bad bearer of teh ring) and frodo tehn comes running up to her.

If anyone wants to hear the rest of the story then aim me on plushies rock, I planned the whole film out with her in it hehe :D

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Plush Girl

Finished Work
21y208d ago
Other Work By @plush_girl

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 09 January, 2003 @ 05:20 AM

OOOOO. She's the most original Lotr char I've ever seen, she's just so COOL! I'll draw a gift for you as soon as I've completed my other stuff, is it ok if I draw her?

Posted: Thursday, 09 January, 2003 @ 09:07 AM

sure, it would great if you drew her :) can I draw your new species you made up I love your sub-species creations.

to everyone: ignore my crappy spelling, I type quick and nrmally spell the as teh and I spellt sam as sma so yes ignore that please hehe ^^* thanx for pointing it out, pru (space dog)

Posted: Thursday, 09 January, 2003 @ 09:04 AM

this is reely good. like i said b 4. i luv that word...nazgul.

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