Laguna Barr

The fellowship of the Marshmallow
The fellowship of the Marshmallow by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)

Yes, me and my mate Amanda have our own stupid little spoof of Lord of the rings: The lord of the Marshmallow. They're the same characters, but very very VERY exaggerated personalities, either that or they do things that they didn't in lord of the rings, for example, Celeborn (Who is in our fellowship, because I wantred him to be) has a thing about Livestock Eheh.....he likes them too much .......... And Boromirs still after the ring fpr some reason OO;; Artwork © Copyright 2002 Laguna Barr

Rough / Concept
21y342d ago
Other Work By @Axenblade

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 30 December, 2002 @ 06:01 AM

ROFLOL!!!! this is Cute!!!! ..LOL...THE MARSHMALLOW!!

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 02:24 AM

The marshmallow huh? So, does this mean replacing the ring there is an all mighty marshmallow, and when you put this marshmallow on your finger the marshmallow wraiths come and squeal at you so they can steal the marshmallow and bring it back to their all mighty marshmallow king? So now, the fellow ship of the marshmallow must take this marshmallow to the fires of the marshmallow mountain and throw the marshmallow in to bring peace back to middle earth...or they could just roast it...Mmmm...roasty...

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