
Brothers by @dark_persian (Donna)

Elrohir and Elladan read with a young Aragorn. The Elvish script on the front cover of the book was mean to read ‘Estel’, ‘Hope’. But I didn’t leave enough room and had to miss off the last symbol…I’m not sure if the script is altogether accurate anyway. Meh.

Finished Work
21y3d ago
Other Work By @dark_persian

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Wednesday, 01 October, 2003 @ 02:41 PM

Very nice, I like the using with the colours ans the shades are very realistic :) Lyndiria

Posted: Tuesday, 07 October, 2003 @ 02:41 PM

Oh! This is so adorable! I am a very big Tolkien fan, I have 9 of his books, seen the FotR 29 times, and the TTT 8, heh... So, I'm a fanatic. But I love this picture. Re. the Elvish script: I do have differant Elvish fonts on my computer, but the way that "Estel" is spelt there is incorrect. If you're interested, I can tell you where to get the font/instructions/keyboard-mapping for the Elvish font. My e-mail's TheWolfsHeir@hotmail.com

The hair is wonderful, and that's a very convincing young-Aragorn :)

Posted: Wednesday, 08 October, 2003 @ 06:45 AM
what you wrote:
Thanks Crossrhythm, but I already have the Quenya font on my computer. I used it
for the translation of Estel in this artwork. I had a feeling it was wrong!!
Thanks for your compliments, much appreciated! *hug* And there is nothing wrong
with being a crazy fanatic! ^_~

My reply:

The fon't isn't wrong, just they way you used it... I don't know if it allows images in here but this is how it should look (when the font is used properly...that's what I ment by saying I'd send you the keyboard mapping)

The layout of the keyboard doesn't correspond to each letter of the font (because the font is so complicated). So, for instance, if you wanted to type the Elvish "t", you wouldn't just type in "t", you would have to type in "1"... took me ahwile to get the hang of it... o_O

  • CrossRhythm
Posted: Friday, 07 November, 2003 @ 12:24 PM

I love the expressions on each of the characters faces and the colours you have used as well as your colouring style. I really like this picture, it is wonderful! :)

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