Manuela Hoflehner

Kleid aus Rosen
Kleid aus Rosen by @Manuela (Manuela Hoflehner)

Und aus seinen tiefen Stichen Wuchsen Blätter, wuchsen Blüten Wuchsen unbekannte Schmerzen In dem jungen Mädchenherzen

Später hat man sie gesehn Einsam an den Wassern stehn Niemals hat man je erfahrn Welchen Preis der Meister nahm

  • Subway to Sally, 'Kleid aus Rosen'

I think I've finally found my muse.

Finished Work
20y278d ago
Other Work By @Manuela

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 02 September, 2003 @ 06:07 PM

Owie. That one through the chest looks painful.

Hm, do you post at the EK forums, or at digitalart.org? I know I've seen your work before--welcome to Side7!

Posted: Wednesday, 03 September, 2003 @ 07:53 AM

Thank you for the welcome =) I'm just a lurker at EK, but I do have a little gallery at digitalart.org.

Posted: Tuesday, 02 September, 2003 @ 09:46 PM

Woaaah. My favorite part in this is the forest. @_@ Talk about prettyful. The girl looks rather sad though. I would too I think, if I had roses growing out of me o0;; But great picture, dark and byewtiful.

Posted: Wednesday, 03 September, 2003 @ 11:33 AM

This is really a gorgeous image. I'm really impressed. The symbolism is great. I'm truly amazed at your style, it's almost but not quite pure realism. I really like the textures and colors you include. Could you possibly include an English translation to those lyrics for those of us who don't know German? Thank you...

Posted: Wednesday, 03 September, 2003 @ 11:53 AM

I'll try my best translating the lyrics =)

And from his deep pricks Grew leaves, grew blooms Grew unknown pains In the young girl's heart

She was seen later Standing alone by the waters Never was learned Which price the master had taken

In the song there are some more stanzas at the beginning. They tell about how the girl runs away from home and comes to the house of that master. She sees him stinging pictures in people's skin and wants roses from him, wants him to sting the roses in her body. He hesitates and says that those roses cost blood and will shorten her life. But she tempts him and so he takes up the needle to fullfill her wish. The initial meaning are tattoos, of course, but I always liked the literal visualisation. In my opinion, it goes better with the deeper meaning of the song (growing up, taking responsibility and learning aboutlove and sorrow).

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