Criket Ferrin

Sage Comment, Idiotic Rambling.... Or Clever Ruse?
Sage Comment, Idiotic Rambling.... Or Clever Ruse? by @CRIKET (Criket Ferrin)

Behold the uncolored comic! My way of saying, "sorry for haveing the flu on VDay, but here's something to make you laugh!" If the joke doesn't get you, the expressions will!

I didn't draw noses this time. I thought they would get in the way, and the simple expressions sort of add to the joke, I think.

This event has never happened in real life, but this is basically how I act and talk to get the old friends out of my readin' spot when they linger. All the other sunny places are taken, and I'm used to this place, so get off my case! >.<

19y122d ago
Other Work By @CRIKET

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 17 February, 2005 @ 07:29 AM

Simple, yet Great! Lol! I love it! I think because it´s simple makes it more effective!

Hehe great work!

Posted: Thursday, 17 February, 2005 @ 06:57 PM

^^ Hooray for the people without noses and Hooray for your creativeness once again! (told'ya school inspires drawings)

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