Li Chi Son

Rei's Profile pic (reload #4)
Rei's Profile pic (reload #4) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

The beloved wife of Divim, introducing the revamped REI!!!

Just changed the hair a tiny bit and va la!

Yes yes, Rei has wavy-curly hair if you untie that braid......it's been there since 4 years ago! Her hair should be stuck as wavy.

Profile: Rei is the weakest amount the three girls (includes Li Chi and Yohko). She was a demon hunter in previous life that was reborn in Li Chi's body ((there used to be three souls that occupied Li Chi's body....blah blah blah~~something about past RP that wasn't saved))

She has a bit of a disorder (that's the reason why she is a bit too skinny points to the waist of the one on the right) but she has a good heart. She is a temptress but her lack of confidence in her body figure leads her to wear something a bit more covered-up.

Edit:~ her head is too big...and her eyes are no longer appealing. Her newer version is a lot better.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y41d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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