Li Chi Son

The happier female side of Mung Ying (reload #5)
The happier female side of Mung Ying (reload #5) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

The more feminine side of Mung Ying...the no gendered dream demon.

She is the more cheerful and less worries side. Mung Ying means 'Shadow of Dreams' in Chinese...ever dream of being rescused from one of your scary nightmares by a knight without a face? That would be Mung Ying....I see her all the time in my dreams, protecting me whenever my nightmares become out of control...and just watching over me while I roam through my nightmares just for fun!

She possesses all the attributes that her male counterpart doesn't.....the perfect being split into two....

Edit:~ Head's too big....that's a constant problem I used to have :P.

I'll upload something new just to satisfy you guys after the next reload.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y41d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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