Mary Miller

Myrtle, My Beloved Friend and Companion
Myrtle, My Beloved Friend and Companion by @marymill (Mary Miller)

April 22nd 2001, the day my life, as i knew it, was changed forever... This may sound stupid, but this is how i really feel...

Myrtle was my best friend, ever since i was a kindergartener (sp?) She was my best and only friend. We grew up with eachother, our friendship was inseperable. She loved me like no one else has... she protected me, and watched over me, and made me feel loved. Around 1998 or so i noticed a lump on her tummy, i guess she had kitty breast cancer because she had never had kittens and we had never gotten her spayed. I begged, and begged my mom to get her to the vet to get it examined... "I'll call tomarrow" She said, but tomarrow never came... Soon she yelled at me for asking her to take Myrtle to the vet... she never went... the lump grew, and grew, then it shrunk a bit, then it turned into a big lump, about the size of a slice of an orange. I was so worried about her, she was my best friend... soon she grew thin, she wouldnt eat. I cried thinking of the pain she was in... its like walking next to your best friend as they crawl along a hot desert, they have no water, they have no food, you just sit there and literally watch them die... its a horrible feeling... i wish it upon no one... Arounf March 31, 2001 i had to go to the east coast for a school trip. I didnt want to go because i didnt want her to die while i was away... i went anyways. When i came home she was still alive, but not all that healthy... She was so thin... it hurt to look at her as she limped around the room... The morning of April 22nd, 2001 rolled around... i came home from the ranch at around 10:00 or so... i came up into my room and looked into it, Myrtle was asleep on the bed. i called her, yet there was no reply... i inched toward the bed, praying that i could see  her back move, and know she was breathing... i crawled onto the bed, and looked to her, she was sleeping so soundly on my pillow, looking towards the window... i looked to her face, and there she was... asleep, with her eyes open... mortified i sat up and walked downstairs... i sat there in the den, nearly in tears, my mom asked.. "whats wrong?" i burst out and said "she's gone..." she yelled for my dad and i cried, allot... she told me not to go back upstairs, but i went anyways and picked her up and carried her down, my dad was going to throw her out, but i wouldnt allow it... she is buried in my backyard now. i miss her still to this day...

She benifited me more than i thought... she is the sould reason that i am a Christian... you see, i prayed for her every night for 2 years, it became a habit for me to pray at night, and it stuck with me, now i pray for others and i continue to praise God for giving her to me. i know her soul purpose now, she has benefited me more than i thought...

Its nearly a year now, and i decided to draw a pic of her, i thank TheKat204 for drawing one of her too, she has also been a great friend to me.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Mary Miller

Finished Work
22y80d ago
Other Work By @marymill

Comments & Critiques (9)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 19 March, 2002 @ 10:33 PM

Cries Aww... Poor kitty! I remember the same thing happened to me a few years back... Sighs My kitty Tiger died with the same thing... I cried for years, and I still haven't gotten over it, so I know how you feel... Whimpers

Posted: Tuesday, 19 March, 2002 @ 11:26 PM

::Sigh:: I know how you feel.. I've lost more pets than I can count, and one of them had a tumor (but I got it removed when she was little). I sympathize with you.. (and lovely picture, too..)

Posted: Friday, 22 March, 2002 @ 06:37 PM

Cries no really, i started to cry when i read that...I've never had a pet that died...But I love my dog, Ophelia, like a sister...I often call her that. Do I dread the day when she dies...i would be so depressed...UNLESS i keep one of her pups, that is if she has pups, we think she may be preagneant....the dog she mated with was twice as big as her...soo...the day when she dies may not be that far off...she may die in pregnancy...

Posted: Friday, 22 March, 2002 @ 08:43 PM

I really love this piccy. I'm glad you made this piccy. It just goes to show how much love a person can have for their pet. Something lots of ppl know nothing about. I know exactly how you feel about myrtle. Right now my dog, Patch, is going through the same situation. The vet said it's cancerous and she's going for surgery soon. I've been so worried over her that I've had insomnia for the past week. I love my doggy so much.

Posted: Saturday, 23 March, 2002 @ 06:16 PM

i kno how u felt my when my hamster died march 25 2001 i bauled until i couldn't she wuz the best but the day after we went 2 the pet store 2 get fish food and there wuz baby rats there THEY WERE SOO CUTE and they were 5 bucks so i got 1 named it scabbers and he is playing on my shoulders right now his b-day is the 26th of march*thats soon* and im gunna get him some really cool rat toys

Posted: Sunday, 24 March, 2002 @ 08:36 PM

wow, that is such a sad story! I was crying when I read it. I hope evrything gets better for you :( I know how it is to loose pets, its like loosing a family member. Thepictures is great, and i bet it was vey emotional for you to draw.. those pictures are the best

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 09:07 AM

:( That's a v. sad story ... but its a lovely pic. Bless her. :(

Posted: Wednesday, 12 June, 2002 @ 02:25 AM

wipes away several tears I know how you feel. I have had many cats in my life and they have all died by being hit by a car. I pray for them all the time. Just last month, my beloved tiggia got hit and I cry for her. I wish and wish for a pic since I never got a good pic of her. I miss her lots but I base lots of my goals on my other two cats Snowball and Kirmu. I will never forget her just like you will never for get Myrtle. Keep up your great art work and hope to hear from you soon. Drop me an e-maill anytime or a neomail aka ilsnowball. Byez wipes away another tear

Posted: Tuesday, 10 August, 2004 @ 03:30 PM

I believe every one agrees with me in saying that we all know how you feel, one of my cats that was very close to me passed away, it was shortly before summer vacation, she was a golden hemingway tabby and I will always remember her.

She passed away peacefully as I peted her, she simply closed her Hazel eyes and slept.

I dug a one foot wide by three foot long by three foot deep grave for her.

She now sleeps eternaly in my Grandmother's rose garden.

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