Li Chi Son

*drool drool drool* just decided to draw a sketch of Linky-poo!
*drool drool drool* just decided to draw a sketch of Linky-poo! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I ran into a really good artist on Side7 called Vicky Alonso


I find her interpretation on Link's eyes are better than the current one in the manga((yes, there is a cute manga on Linky-poo....4 volumes of it!)) I look back at my old drawing of him and make faces, I've always felt it looks....odd in a weird way...

Hey! All my drawings are weird if you constantly stare at it!!

I dunno...I find his eyes in the transparent gif looks too....happy for him....or maybe it has no expression that I look for in the rest of my artwork....n e hoo, it just looks weird .

I decided to sketch Link from my memory(which my memory is mush! can't remember anything for beans) and applied my revamped style onto him. Hubba hubba....drools tho I wish I spent a bit more on his body shape....oh well....


Fan art from: Legend of Zelda

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

22y140d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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