Desirae Gundry

Strength by @desigund (Desirae Gundry)

Finally got the hang of watercolor. I really like how this turned out to. The green wash turned out cool. This picture actually has a sadder, deaper meaning then Des dressed in Islamic woman garb. This picture's sposed to be an... encouragment... suppot... I dunno the word... for all the suppressed women in middle eastern countries. Rock on, Ladies.

Finished Work
22y267d ago
Other Work By @desigund

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2002 @ 09:11 AM

Umm...middle eastern women aren't suppressed. Some people think that we Muslim women are oppressed just because we cover our heads and don't show off our bodies but we're not oppressed for wearing a veil. Believe me, I get abused because of my headscarf by non-Muslims (but I have non-Muslim friends who stand up for me).

Just htought I'd let you know =)

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