Wow, I really didnt think anyone would like it, thankyou! You really think Im talented at graffiti? Awesome! I love grafitti! Well, when its done well, not just scribbled. The buildings dont look very good, do they; In the actual drawing, they dont look quite so lopsided, but I'll do my best to fix them. Thank you very much! XD
Jet Grind Radio! by @Pop_a_doc (Matt Thompsonn) school. I started doodling, and it turned out good, so I started to outline it and color it, Im pretty sure I'll finish it, I mean, school doestnt seem to be getting any more entertaining, so I should have plenty of time ^~ As for what it says, some of it is from the game, and the other stuff, well, I was listening to a song (on my walkman, during geometry) while I was drawing it, so I wrote down like 2 lines, and ya'know, didnt know what to write, so I drew tha ^^' well, thats all, later!
Comments & Critiques (3)
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Very, very nice! I can't believe no one's commented on this yet. Great job with the detail. I admire your skills on graffiti art. It's a nice bold design that really attracts the eye. =) Great job all around. The only flaw I see are those buildings in the background. They don't seem as sharp as the rest of image Meaning they don't look as perfect. =P A few of them look a little lopsided. Nice work!