Jessica Gonzalez

Terra by @Dark_Maiden_Kira (Jessica Gonzalez)

Terra is also a PS fan character. She is a half numan/half terran member of the G.D.O. Despite not being full-blooded numan, some say Terra is Nei's reincarnation because she is almost Nei's double.

Finished Work
20y129d ago
Other Work By @Dark_Maiden_Kira

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 06 March, 2004 @ 10:04 PM

Oh wow this is really good! Im assuming this is Arshes Nei from Bastard you're talking about right? If it is I think that's wicked cool cuz I haven't really met too many Bastard fans. The drawing looks really good. The way you made her hair flow slightly adds some nice movement to the picture and the little mark underneath her eye is cute too ^^. The suite is also very sexy and the red color really adds to that. Nice work! ;)

Posted: Sunday, 07 March, 2004 @ 01:07 PM

Actually no, Terra is based off Nei from Phantasy Star 2. She is Nei's reincarnation << I'm glad you like it though ^^

Posted: Sunday, 07 March, 2004 @ 01:41 PM

Oops, sorry about that ^^;;; I see what you mean now though. But hey if you ever saw Nei from bastard you'd see what I mean lol. The only difference is that the suite is white and her skin is very tan.

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