Aww, Sond, I think it's adoreable ^__^. You're gettin' really good! I haven't updated mine in like FOREVER. I shall, though! I SHALLLLLL!!!
My Pokemon Comic for my Kuma-sama by @Silfan (Sondilyn LaCoursiere)
I've been making a comic for TIm (my Kuma-sama) for his birthday and Christmasses and stuff like that. And he's getting me something for Christmas so I'm going to make him a huge manga book. It's a manga about him but it's also about Pokemon. It's al Pokemon. I just haven't drawn them in a real long time. I'll work on it. It's gonna come out great. This too me about 2 hours so I say that I really admire all the manga people... it takes so much skill for y'all to do that ALL the time. bows Talk later an' all. -Kitsune =^_~=V (Sond really)
Finished Work
20y364d ago
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P.S. I know it sucks... and the proportions are off... but I am sorta proud of it. Yay me? shrugs Kay... gotta go. BYE! -Sond (again)