
August 22nd, 2024






Connie attends a celebration event called "Avengers Day" which unveils the Avengers' second headquarters in San Francisco and their own Helicarrier called the “Chimera”. The ceremony is interrupted by a terrorist attack led by MultiTask, which leads to the Chimera’s Terrigen Crystal-powered core exploding and Finn’s apparent death. San Francisco is destroyed and blanketed by Terrigen Mist in the aftermath, which causes numerous individuals to involuntarily manifest superhuman powers as Inhumans, including Connie. Blamed for the tragedy known as "A-Day", the Avengers disband and a company named AIM rises to power. Five years later at her home in Jersey City, Connie discovers damaged video footage which seemingly implicate a scientist named Marlton in Finn's death. She attempts to meet a contact from an anti-AIM resistance movement known as "Tiny Dancer", but is captured by Marlton and Penelope. Connie escapes and travels to Utah to find the resistance’s base of operations. Her search leads her to the Chimera's damaged remains in which she finds Hulk who attacks her before reverting into Dexter. She convinces him to assist her in proving the Avengers' innocence. Traveling to a former SHIELD compound to retrieve JARVIS, the two are confronted by AIM and one of their operatives, Mandark. Hulk defeats him before he and Connie return to the Chimera to reactivate JARVIS and set out to reunite the Avengers. While they find Blitz at his family estate, he bears a grudge against Dexter because his testimony of A-Day incriminated the Avengers.




Upon learning of Connie’s evidence, Blitz agrees to join them and works to restore the Chimera. During their search for parts to help Blitz, Connie and Dexter stumble upon the Ant Hill, an Inhuman sanctuary and the resistance’s headquarters run by Form. While assisting them, Connie disobeys orders and attempts to raid an AIM facility alone to save Inhuman prisoners, but is captured. While in custody, she learns Penelope’s efforts to make an Inhuman cure are unsuccessful, leading Marlton to prioritize the manufacturing of Adaptoid androids. Tarantula drops her cover within AIM and infiltrates the facility. She captures Penelope, frees Connie, and reveals her identity as "Tiny Dancer". Dexter attempts to interrogate Penelope about the Adaptoid laboratory's whereabouts, but the latter resists before AIM forces attack the Chimera and retrieve her. Witnessing the attack, Skips intervenes and re-joins the Avengers. JARVIS restores the footage which shows Finn ordering Marlton to seal him inside so he can destroy the Chimera’s reactor, apparently causing the explosion. Believing A-Day really was their fault, the Avengers fragment.

Teen (V)
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35d13h ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil

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