
While reviewing the interrogation footage, Connie realizes AIM's Adaptoid laboratory is located off-world in a satellite called Ambrosia. She relays this information to the Avengers and rallies them with a heartfelt speech. Blitz upgrades his suit to achieve space travel and infiltrates the satellite where he discovers Finn is alive and placed in suspended animation so Penelope could harvest his blood to power the Adaptoids and covertly accelerate Marlton’s mutation. Skips comes to their rescue and they return to the Chimera, where Finn reveals that he destroyed the reactor because it was unearthing an unidentified object underneath the bay that threatened to destabilize the San Andreas Fault and destroy California. Meanwhile, Marlton discovers that Penelope’s serum, while ostensibly keeping him alive, has deliberately induced his mutations and injects the woman with it in retaliation.




Reassembled, the Avengers deduce that Penelope hired MultiTask to hijack the Chimera and steal the Terrigen Crystal, which unearthed the buried object in the bay. They learn that Marlton, now calling himself "Mastermind", plans to exterminate Inhumans around the world and commit suicide afterwards. The Avengers storm his San Francisco fortress, but Mastermind activates the object — a massive Kree Sentry — and overpowers them. Connie unexpectedly grows to giant size, destroys the Kree Sentry, and sends Mastermind falling into the bay. After her recovery, Connie returns home to her father Doug who allows her to discreetly join the Avengers. In a mid-credits scene, Penelope becomes AIM’s new leader, the Scientist Supreme, while the Sentry's remains launches a pod into space. In a post-credits scene, Rita rallies the Avengers to undermine AIM’s activities.

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