



Tails and Speedolai are walking through the forest in order to scout Sanctuary, Speedolai talks to Tails about how a creature of crystal is what killed Rose and then boasts about how nothing can break a body like his. Tails and Speedolai are suddenly ambushed by Amethyst and Pearl, Speedolai then tells the two Gems that his team found Sanctuary first and Pearl tells Tails and Speedolai that their team will therefore be the last to see it. Tails and Speedolai proceed to fight Amethyst and Pearl respectively, Amethyst then subdues Tails and is holding him by his neck with her whip. Pearl attempts to attack Tails but he catches her spear with his mouth and eats it whole, Tails also eats Amethyst’s whip as well. Tails tells the confused Amethyst and Pearl that he has the ability to eat anything, Amethyst and Pearl then agree to let White Diamond know about Tails’ special ability and the two promptly retreat back to base.



Meanwhile, Asriel is still looking for Rose’s house and he ends up finding a beautiful garden. Asriel is amazed by the garden and as he walks through it he ends up finding Rose’s memorial, Asriel then gets distressed when he realizes that Rose Quartz is dead. Suddenly, Asriel hears a woman’s voice from afar saying that she found a garden and as Asriel panics he gets pulled into the ground by some vines, we then see Team Homestuck arrive at the garden and they also spot Rose’s memorial. We then see Asriel underground and thrashing around in order to get out of the vines he’s ensnared in, another vine then appears and caresses his head as Asriel hears a female voice tell him that it’s alright. Asriel asks the female voice what is she and is shushed by another vine, the voice then tells Asriel she isn’t going to hurt him and also tells him that there are four groups who have come to Sanctuary so one of those groups can claim it as their own.



Cooper announces to his team that they got to focus on getting Sanctuary before the other teams do and they proceed to leave the garden, Asriel is then taken back to the surface and assumes that a Goddess of Nature is the thing that helped him. The female voice tells him “Not quite” and a gigantic, sunflower-looking plant with a beautiful face comes out of the ground and we see that the female voice comes from none other than a female, motherly version of Flowey (Undertale). Flowey introduces herself to Asriel and tells him that someone ought to teach him how things work around here. Back at Team Diamond’s base, Amethyst and Pearl tell White Diamond about Tails’ ability to eat anything, White Diamond then announces to the two Gems that they will therefore give Tails exactly what he wants.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
99d6h ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil
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