
June 23rd, 2024



At Team Diamond’s base, White Diamond is inside of the kitchen making something. Amethyst goes into the kitchen and asks White Diamond what she’s making, White Diamond shows her what she’s made; a cookie. White Diamond tells Amethyst that the cookie is a special cookie that contains a surprise inside that will take care of Tails when he eats it, WD (White Diamond) then opens a portal to Team Sonic’s base so she can deliver the cookie and knock on the door. Sonic answers the door and picks up the cookie, he brings it inside and assumes that the cookie is a trap sent to them by one of the other teams. Tails sees what Sonic has and promptly eats the cookie without hesitation, a large pin then gets pierced through his cheek which causes him to scream in agony.



Tails’ scream is so loud that the other three teams throughout Sanctuary can hear it, Sonic then picks up the large pin and Amy assumes that one of the teams used Tails’ gluttonous ways against him and put the pin in the cookie so Tails would hurt himself when he ate it. Back at the garden, Flowey asks Asriel what he’s doing in Sanctuary, Asriel then tells her that he’s here because his world has been ravaged and his parents are dead. Asriel tells Flowey that his parents told him that he should go to Sanctuary and live with Rose Quartz in case anything were to happen, he was given a transportation device and a laser gun to defend himself when he would get to Sanctuary. Asriel doesn’t know what to do since Rose and his family are dead and he’s been caught in the middle of a war over ownership of Sanctuary, Flowey then tells Asriel that she will take care of him. Asriel doubts that a giant flower can take care of a child but Flowey quickly puts his doubts to rest, Asriel then tells Flowey that he doesn’t want to burden her with raising a child.



Flowey tells Asriel that she would be happy to take care of him and that he can stay in Sanctuary for as long as he wants once the war ends and maybe he can stay in Sanctuary forever with her. Asriel and Flowey proceed to hug each other, Team Frisk then arrives at the garden and Frisk is happy to see Asriel. Flowey asks Team Frisk what they’re doing at the garden and Frisk tells her that Asriel is one of them and therefore should join his team, Frisk then tells Asriel that they can be his family and Flowey fiercely tells him that she is Asriel’s family. Frisk talks about how he has some serious doubts about how a giant flower can take care of a child and even calls Flowey a talking weed which angers her. Frisk tells Flowey that it’s Asriel’s decision and not hers when it comes to him joining Team Frisk and convinces her to let Asriel decide if he wants to join the team, Flowey then reluctantly agrees to let Asriel decide and as she tells Asriel to think carefully about his decision he fiercely says “No!” to Team Frisk.



Frisk is annoyed with Asriel’s answer and he tells Asriel that his team will wipe out the other teams and claim Sanctuary and as Team Frisk leaves the garden Frisk tells Asriel to stay out of their way, after they leave Flowey and Asriel hug again. We then see Sophie fly through Sanctuary with her rocket shoes and she ends up finding the large house that Rose Quartz lived in. Sophie pulls out a communicator and tells Cooper that she found the house, Cooper then gets impressed that she found the house before the other teams did.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
6d4h ago
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