Samantha Nowinski

Peacemaker SAM...or Heiress to the Shortest Throne? o_o
Peacemaker SAM...or Heiress to the Shortest Throne? o_o by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Tough debate. Let's begin.

In Ric's roleplay with me, I decided to make my character, Sam, into an Irken. So this is a possibility that this sketch might be Peacemaker Sam...but still, there's a question behind it. Do I want my RP figure to look like that as an Irken? Purple eyes aren't my favorite, and I wanted to make it look a little more better than how this came out...it's good, though, but it wasn't the look for RP Sam I was looking for.

There's another possibility, though, and this is just some weird and random thought--could this be the future spawn of Almighty Shortest Reyna of the Peacemakers and the death Irken assasin Tal? Just a thought, because I saw many similarities between her, Tal, and Reyna becase:

1) She has purple eyes and antennaes like Tal's. 2) Her height and how the girl's eyes are shaped look like they came from Reyna.

So....^^;; what's it gonna be, you guys? Which one should I pick? Peacemaker SAM (though I'm still thinking..) or heiress to the Shortest throne?

BTW--those pants that she's wearing were drawn from a pair of pants from Hot Topic, except in real life they're gray and those purple things are red. And yes, I did take notice that her clothes don't match in color, but....=P I don't care. lol Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Finished Work
21y125d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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