Samantha Nowinski

Zei - Hanging over church
Zei - Hanging over church by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Strangely enough, this idea has been playing along in my head since my school mass. Y'see, in my ::Winces:: prep school, most of the people are Catholic (we have more religions, though) and whenever we hold special masses, we go into the church. I was bored during the Gospel readings, so what happened?

Zei played with me mind. I swear he's a better muse than Stella.

Here he is, hanging off of one of the sides of the Church cross (y'know, they're usually at the very top of the buildings), holding a gun, glancing down at the ground below (you don't see the ground; only the top of the church), and he seems to be ready to make his kill for the night...

I shall color this picture once I get done here.

BTW--no comments on my religion. @_@ I'm proud of what I am, thankyouverymuch. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y123d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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