Samantha Lynn

Joey in his Boxers
Joey in his Boxers by @Samantha_Lynn (Samantha Lynn)

Okay! ^_^ Here's the first in a set of three pics I did yesterday afternoon after a long spell of typing a fanfiction my brother and I are working on. The basic plot is a Duel Monsters Tournament set in Egypt, and sorry, it's not up on-line anywhere yet.

Anyway - the scene I had been typing was a morning bit where Mai bursts into the boy's hotel room to wake them up and startles them enough that Joey, Tristan and Bakura all tumble out of their beds and onto the floor. And the mental image I had in my head was so cute I had to draw it! So here you go - It's Joey! ^_^

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Lynn

Rough / Concept
21y115d ago
Other Work By @Samantha_Lynn

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 04 March, 2003 @ 05:08 AM

ROFLMAO Whoohoo! Nice picture. ^_~ Hehe!!


Posted: Tuesday, 04 March, 2003 @ 05:30 PM

KAWAII! This is awesome. I love these! Please keep them up!


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