Nikki Star

Gia Ghost visits Present day Membranes by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

Please ignore the fact that the bg sucks, I'll draw a better one when I do the complete picture. It's supposed to be Mrs. Membrane's Ghost visiting her children. Gaz is over-joyed and jumps up to hug her. Dib is just really happy and is crying with joy. He also thinks to himself "Maybe dad would believe in the paronormal if he only saw her...." and of course, membrane is there in the back, watching as well.

I haven't said it yet, but I want to write a fic about this, and I'm almost done coming up with the idea. All I need is to work out some of the rough details and the ending. Other than that, all I gotta do is write it :p. So, what do you think of the pic?

Rough / Concept
21y351d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 16 July, 2002 @ 11:11 PM

Gaz looks a bit to small, bu who cares?It's so cute it gave me cavities! Goes and brushes teeth

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2002 @ 08:37 AM

Too cute! And I think the cutest one is Prof. Membrane in the background. ^_^

P.S. I hope you post up that sketch of Maiz and Ziam - I really wanna see it!

Posted: Saturday, 27 July, 2002 @ 02:59 PM

It's amazing how people can draw a picture of 2-D fantasy characters, throw in a background story and make me cry about it. =P This is really sad, as in emotionally heartbreaking. Very cute picture though, I like your style. =D

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