Samantha Nowinski

Zei Sketches
Zei Sketches by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Ah yes. Zei. He's a favorite amongst the others nowadays. O_o;. Anyway, I drew anime styled Sam (me) on the picture. And I drew a joke on the piccie. It's Zei sneaking off with a whole thing of vanilla ice cream, and Ziera's asking what it is. And Zei seems to be turning red in the picture. lol. Chris, you will definitely understand the joke behind it. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
21y242d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 27 October, 2002 @ 03:50 PM

LMFAO!! IRKEN SUNDAES!! ^^ OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT'S IN THERE! Inori: ::really red, and apparently still has chocolate sauce dripping from her tennaes:: That's not funny. ::snickers:: hehehehehehe....anyways!! Great piccie!! XD that totally made my day!!

Posted: Monday, 28 October, 2002 @ 10:13 PM

LOL! Nice shirt Sam ^_~ I like the sketchy to the left.. droolz Sooo.. what's an Irken Sundae? Is it what I THINK it is? grin (Me and my dirty mind...) SOMEONE TELL ME! Okay.. I'll go away and stop annoying you now, lol.

Posted: Tuesday, 05 November, 2002 @ 07:30 PM
XDD : :Reminded of an in-joke she knows regarding huge cartons of ice cream and Jhonen's creations:: This ROCKS. I like Zei. He's a very well-developed character. Cool thing you have going with Irken Healers and Death Irkens and stuff. Tis neet. xD Ice cream..




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