Samantha Nowinski

Almighty Shortest Reyna of the Peacemakers (from Sev's roleplay with me)
Almighty Shortest Reyna of the Peacemakers (from Sev's roleplay with me) by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)
Race: Irken Peacemaker

Eye color: Grayish blue

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 115 pounds (she tiny. lol)

Almighty Shortest Reyna, born as a pure hearted peacemaker, wasn't destined to rule the Irken Peacemaker Empire, of course. As the youngest of three children, her older sister was destined to rule the empire. But, tragically, her older sister died at a young, tender age, and never even got the chance to live up to that dream. And her older brother died young from a disease that wiped out nearly the whole population of the peacemaker empire. When her father, Almighty Shortest Zel, died, Reyna took his place.

Years after getting in her Almighty Shortest position, Reyna was engaged to Iryl, a soldier in the Peacemaker Army. But sadly, a month before their wedding, the last battle of the Death Irken-Peacemaker war took place, and Iryl was taken hostage...and savagely murdered. For a while afterwards, Reyna went into deep depression, and attempted suicide at least two times afterwards. Her bodyguard, Iris, and the other guards in the palace tried best to cheer her up, but the subject always managed to slide in here and there, so Reyna never fully recovered. No one thought that Reyna would get out of her depression...at least, before Tal, a death Irken assasin, caught her eye.

...But what secret does Tal have that can change Reyna's whole view of him? And not to mention...is it something that'll bring up painful memories? Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y218d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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