Samantha Nowinski

Funny and Serious Sketches
Funny and Serious Sketches by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

I guess I have a lot to explain 'ere. lol. Well, lately, I've been watching Sailor Moon AND writing slash, so these are all of the results.

Above on this page is me, Sam, or at least me in the roleplay, with a shocked and frightened look on my face. Next to me is a younger, five-year-old version of me, almost like a mini-me.

Below that is Pyre and Tar...a cute slash picture, with Tar snuggling up to Pyre. ^^ I couldn't resist the cuteness! Pyre actually has his trench coat off! I like that little sign on Pyre's forehead..I'll give more information on it later. ^^ Aren't they cute?

Next to that picture is Tal...with an unusual Irken spirit behind him. It's all part of a Sailor Moon related subject. I'll explain the plot later. ^^; it's REALLY related to the Sailor Moon plot in the movie, so I give it full credit.

Below is me and my adventures with the volley ball..today, I got hit with it two times..and once in the face. X_X and Ashley keeps telling me to move. In case you can't read it, here:

Sam: Uh oh! Ashley: SAM! move your feet! C'mon! Hustle! Let's move! That's why you have feet! Sam: Sut up!

That's how I say Shut up..^^; since I has a lisp, it comes out like that. I'M ASHAMED! ::Cries::

Next to that is a younger version of Tal. His eyes are a little..big..but I likes it. ^^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y218d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 18 November, 2002 @ 07:30 PM

I never new you had a lisp ^^; From that one tme when you used your mic and me and Ric were making you sing little kid songs, I couldn't tell. You sound SO much like Gir though, lol. I LUB the hair on the RP version of yourself. It's so long and wavy and purty XD And the 5-year old version is cyuuuute! I like's the Tal and Pyre/Tal piccies too! And the crator of Sailor Moon is Naoko Takeuchi Holds up her Sailor Moon Graphic Novels See? ^__^;

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