Today is the birthday of my Gaz headvoice! =D So let's all annoy her by doing more than just acknowledging that fact by giving her video games, and sing the birthday song!! ...on second, let's not. I like having my lungs intact, me. 9.9;
So anyways, Gaz is 14 this year...or 3.5 if you consider the fact that she was born on a Leap Day. How is this possible, given that Leap Year is every four years and this is not a four year interval birthday? Well...let's hear from Gaz herself, who explained this to me earlier today!!
'Dad was screwing around with some kind of time alteration thing that week, and as it turned out there were two February 28ths and I was born on the weird, alternate dimension second one. >.9 But instead of confusing everyone trying to explain that to them, we always just defer to their weak, simple minds and tell them I was born on February 29th. It saves a lot of odd stares, and therefore a lot of pain.'
When questioned further on the subject by Red, who is one of those people who doesn't know when to let a subject drop, Gaz also had this to say:
'I think I would know when my own birthday is. And I also think you can trust me to know how old I am. Bite me.'
She's a great girl. u.u So sweet and ladylike. nodnod And we must all wish her a happy birthday. So do it!
...don't worry, the heels on her boots make her look taller than she is. =B She's only about 4'10" or so. Shortie. Heehee--ack! >.< being choked to death by angry birthday girl >.e;;;
XD!! Gaz! Oh man that rocks. You are the snazziest, KidK. u.u Lookit her go ripping peoples' lungs out! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAZ!