X'''''D!!!!! Viva's going "O.O!!! DEMOOOOOONS! CROSS, DON'T FAIL ME NOW!" an' Bach looks like he's going "O.O;! DEMONSANDACRAZYPRIESTONME!"
XD! You even got the looks on the "modern" musicians right! "We're so scary/cool..."
And boy are they scared |=|:D
See, the premise is... Baroque composers JS Bach and Antonio Vivaldi getting their very first taste of what musicians in the 21st century are like. Vivaldi's so appalled he leapt straight into Bach's arms and started waving his crucifix like mad.
Oh, and the 'modern musicians' are Marilyn Manson and Britney Spears.. who I knew absolutely nothing about so a big thank you to Kat for finding them for me to use in this picture AND finding me some good reference pictures!! :D! I'm never going to draw them again... they're scary and even looking at pictures of them lowered my level of spiritual attunement! ;_; Not to mention drawing them! It was a NIGHTMARE! Oh well, I'll get over it. u.u
giggles madly XD I love the Baroque guys though... they're so lucky they're dead 9.9; This also reminds me of the very funny mental image I got a while ago of Bach and Beethoven beating the crap out of Schoenburg.. because somehow I can see them doing that XD;;
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This brings to mind a quote from one of those old Ace Ventura movies...he's standing there in a cave in Africa, waving his Medallion of Peace to keep back the bats..."Get BACK, you winged SPAWN of SATAAAN!!!" Except Marilyn and Brit have no wings...but it's still funny. ^^ I love the expression on Vivaldi's face; 'tis priceless!
hAH!!! This is great! XD You captured all the expressions perfectly.. The horror on the composers' faces, that ditzy look on Britney, and Marilyn Manson.. OMG. XDDDD You just totally got his look. Awesome shading, awesome job. ^_- Oh, and one more thing: I like how you used red streakiness to show the movement of the crucifix. So cool. Awright, I'm done. =D