Stacey LeBlanc

The Entire Cast from John 1/4
The Entire Cast from John 1/4 by @staclebl (Stacey LeBlanc)

Weeeee, I drew them all. From top to bottom, going from left to right.

John Partridge, Phantom (of the Chandelere), LiZie, The Rum Tum Tugger, Hendrik can't spell his last name, Gringoire (sp), Jacob Brent, Roger Davis, Koffi Missah, Electra 7-15, and Bread Nazi.

I got five pages done... just need to work on the stinkin' page! sobs uncontrollably

---Comments on Image---

1.) I didn't have a good picture of Hendrik, so I used the best image I could and looked at his bangs... oh well.

2.) Koffi, Jacob, and Grin look like women ha ha ha

3.) Elok looks like a dork... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Stacey LeBlanc

22y171d ago
Other Work By @staclebl

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 18 April, 2002 @ 05:58 PM

O.o wow you are good with the ink, cool pic bub :D

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