Lizzy Sarvino

.....why......? ( a dedication to those in NY)
.....why......? ( a dedication to those in NY) by @lizzsarv (Lizzy Sarvino)

god? budah? abba? who ever's out there, I'm not quite sure any more, not that you really care, but I'm not sure what your for any more. do you see us crying? can you feel our pain? people are trying, but it's a fear and hate we can not tame. continue with our lives? like nothing happened at all? there are men looking for their wives, and wives waiting for a call. not all of it's gone through, but more then a thousand dead? even more missing? over rubble they dair not tread. ash rock and metal twisting. why? there people did nothing wrong, they borded a plaine to fly, and went to work, but not for long. why? do you like to see us suffer? do you like to see us cry. I'm just not sure any more........

a poem I worte to cope with this whole thing. I cant not forget and will not be able to for a very very long time. these are images that I need not see..but I do... the only word I can utter is why?

Teen (VO)
Finished Work
22y305d ago
Other Work By @lizzsarv

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 13 September, 2001 @ 01:52 PM
I know how it feels girl : ( what has happened will forever be burned in my heart

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