Samantha Lynn

Squee -
Squee - "Wonderful" by @Samantha_Lynn (Samantha Lynn)

This is my first try at drawing the "Squee" characters - and I can't tell you how happy I am about how it turned out. ^_^

I love Squee. I really do. He's just so cute! I always thought that if there was anyone who could "save him" from the world that he lives in, it would be Pepito's mom (she's a social worker). So that's sort of what I drew. Squee sitting in her lap, telling his miserable story while Pepito listens from the sidelines. (My Pepito needs work - but I like him anyway!) And if I had the skills, I would have draw Satan in there too (dear god, I love the way he looks!). But I don't so that'll have to wait.

The words you see everywhere are lyrics to Everclear's "Wonderful". I'd always liked this song and once I found out about Squee, I made it my personal theme song for him. ^^ I know it doesn't fit exactly, but pretty close. ^^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Lynn

Finished Work
21y334d ago
Other Work By @Samantha_Lynn

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Monday, 29 July, 2002 @ 10:20 AM

Hands down, this is the BEST Squee fan art I've ever seen. The song is almost perfect, and Pepito is one of my absolute favorite characters in the entire Jhonen-world. Very nice job, keep up the awesome work!

Posted: Monday, 29 July, 2002 @ 02:41 PM

Awe.... so cute! ^^ I love the song "Wonderful". It's great, and it does seem to fit Squee. I wish I had the squee comics (i only have the first johnny :( ), but I read a little of it in Hot Topic yesterday. Great job, Sam! ^^ Pepito looks awesome, keep it up, and draw more squee!!!

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