Jess Buehler

Sheer Blades
Sheer Blades by @jessbueh (Jess Buehler)

This one started out as a sketch to show my girlfriend what the blade I know as a "Sheer Blade" looks like, but ended up being what I consider by best work up to date. Even though it started out as just an example, this piece has more depth than most of my other works put together. Originaly I was going to have myself walking down a dark ally in old London with my hand on the right wall, but it never turned out that way, and I'm realy glad, actualy. The cobble road sorta symbolizes the meandering path I'm taking through my life, though the broken cobble stones have no meaning. I wanted to put that in to show the power of the blade, is all. The clear grassy hills are there because that's something I want to see atleast once in my life... Like rolling, wet, green hills. All Ireland like. The stone monolith is symbolic of a resting place along the path, something solid and comforting to stop and lean against, and shelter from the harsh, yet cloud diffused sun. It sorta symbolizes my friends and family, who, despite some pretty powerful religious differences (I'm a Wiccan and one of my good friends is Jehovas' Witness), stand up for me and are there to help me go on when times are tough. The lightening enchanted blade has no significance, while the bloodied one actualy stands for words I speak. Being Scorpio, I have a nasty habit of hurting people with words. ;) The overcast sky is only symbolic of... idaknow, imagine a huge magickal blankie over your whole life, but you cant see it. Its just there for you and it makes you feel better.

Anyways, thats what I have to say about that. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jess Buehler

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y233d ago
Other Work By @jessbueh

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