Li Chi Son

Kissy kissy :P
Kissy kissy :P by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

This pic has been in my tripod page for a long time but I want to put it here cause it seems like I am about to exceed my space limit. (space used to be 30MB, now it's 20MB -_-....damn..)

Seems like I have to put everything new on side7 cause it offers free space and they are very responsible if we are responsible.

N e hoo, I was just going through my art folder on my comp and I wanted to show this a long time but I gave up on the tripod art page I made and so I'm shoving everything here.

Ha-kun giving Mung Ying a kiss he doesn't seem to want or seem to be fighting against :P. MUHAHAHHA! I kinda overdid it on the blushing but oh well.

Kissy kissy :P, I don't think Kuro-kun(Dream Emperor) would like it tho. >:3

Enjoy this old pic. (Think I drew it at the beginning of the year, when I was still in High School.)

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y287d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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