Li Chi Son

Enter the androgynous looking people!
Enter the androgynous looking people! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Yea!! I finally looked up the word androgynous just for the spelling, found the meaning to be hermaphrodite. :P Oh well, we are adults(or close to it) to stomach such meanings, right?

Ambiguous looking people are interesting to draw and to see if anyone can figure out if they are male or female. Well, Petit is androgynous! No gender at all!

Terra stated something that no one else picked out for the three eyes pic two pics down: quote the girl "Is it a male or female? The face is a little masculine but the body is more feminine."

Where's the masculinity? Just stare at the eyes. :P (always the eyes) I never thought anyone would see somehting so small, but significant. (thought they would just look at the body and say it's all woman :3)

Eyes are very significant when you want to draw something ambiguous. Therefore I drew someone that looks even more ambiguous!!! Call it Soul. Not gonna say more (plot reasons).

Doodled this late at night when I was taking a break from all the school work and midterms coming up -_-

Girl or guy? Hheheheheh, that is the question! Eyes can be a girl or guys. Hair can be both (seems to be leaning more for a girl but not saying anything) Neck is kinda medium, not too thick like a guy and not too thin for a gal. How about the chest? -_-, I seem to have to look at the chest to see if someone is a guy or gal some times....seems perverted but I was wondering about the gender (not that it matters at all when it comes to a stranger) ((Note: I do not advice anyone to STARE at someone's chest just to stare at a certain body part for sleezy purposes, less you want something painfull up your.....you know...for being a pervert.)) Chest seems to stick out very little but not enough to actually say it is a pure female. :P

I am having fun, aren't I! XD

Cons: I want to get rid of the shadow of the right eye...-_-, oh well Some sketchy lines that aren't too noticable.

N e hoo! ENJOY!!! XD (androgynous people kick ass!!!)

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y288d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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