Darby Burke

Blind Cecilia
Blind Cecilia by @lilith (Darby Burke)

This was just sort of a character design project, I'm not sure whether or not it's moving forward or not. Basics though: Her name is Cecilia after the saint, she is blind, she is a demon and a slave. Her markings are directly on her skin. I like calling her Ceci. This is such a boring picture because, as I said it's just character and costume design. :3

This is not furry, for the only part of her that is animalistic is her ears and tail. The markings are directly on her skin. She has a human face and all the rest of her is human. She's a fantasy race. :p But I don't see a place to click that.

Cecilia and art are the property of myself.

Teen (S)
Finished Work
18y26d ago
Other Work By @lilith

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 24 May, 2006 @ 05:34 PM

Well, it's kind of like a catgirl, with just ears and a tail and the rest human, so humanoid works quite well enough. Not that I'm comparing this character to a catgirl, it's just roughly the same idea. And the markings on animals are actually on their skin, not just the fur.

Anyway, nice picture. I like the watery look you've given the highlights and the different line widths really stand out. You gave her a lot of shape in this picture, though she's a little too wide in the hips. Interesting character design. Everyone's allowed a dull pose for that. grin

Posted: Thursday, 25 May, 2006 @ 02:23 PM

Very nice and fun design.

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